Sample Pricing

Because no two cases are alike the concept and design of legal presentations can dramatically vary on the case by case basis. The amount of necessary research, creative and non-creative tasks, multiple edits – all of them determine the final cost of the service.

The exhibit presented here, was created during the trial, when it became obvious that the opposition’s tactics might have confused the jury.  The client requested the exhibit: both in a digital form for on-screen projection, and mounted (36”x42”) color copy for display in the courtroom.

2007 Log Notes Exhibit

The production costs included:

Research, concept, draft and the exhibit




Total design and coordination services


Printing and mounting


see larger image

Ultimately, client revisions added $430 to the final cost of the project. Multiple edits and related cost can be significantly reduced through careful, early case analysis and defining your key arguments. We will help you find the right way to make them stand out and give the weight in the courtroom.

We are looking forward to working with you!